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Hele's School

Hele's School

Editor’s Letter and Welcome

Editors Letter

A warm welcome to the first edition of ‘Hear from Hele's.’

It is a huge honour to be writing as editor for you all. It has been a dream for me and my team of writers for a long time. It is amazing to finally reach that dream.

‘Hear from Heles’ is a fresh, new newspaper written by talented, young writers. We focus on young people's lives specifically, but we encourage readers from all age groups to read our newspaper. We have different articles to suit diverse types of people, a little bit for everyone.


We have a fantastic team of young writers and contributors who have exceptional talent who each have different areas of expertise:

  • Alice Shelley – Chief Editor
  • Isla Hockley – School life
  • Izzy Baxter – Reviews and views
  • Darya  Ghorbannia – World views
  • Emma Bagshaw – Current events
  • Grace Middleton – Illustrator and creative moments


Young people matter and that is why this newspaper is so special. We are here to inform children about everything they need to know and give them a reading source that isn’t a social media site!


Thank you all for reading my editor’s letter for the first edition of Hear from Heles. Have an amazing time enjoying the articles in this issue.

Dreams really can come true.


Alice Shelley – Chief Editor of Hear from Heles