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Hele's School

Hele's School

Hele's School A great place to learn. A great place to grow.

Staff List

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs J Mason Principal
Mrs S Crawford Deputy Principal
Mrs A C Pomfret Deputy Principal
Ms E Clapham Deputy Principal

Assistant Principals

Mrs A Ayres Assistant Principal
Mr K Stone Assistant Principal / Director of Post 16
Mr M Rayner Assistant Principal

Heads of Year

Mrs E Crosley Head of Year 7
Mrs S Aldersley Head of Year 8
Mrs S Prifti Head of Year 9
Mrs G Stewart Head of Year 10
Mr J Carwardine Head of Year 11

Pastoral Support Managers (PSMs)

Miss M Keen Year 7
Mrs A Reilly Year 8
Mrs S Cowling Year 9
Mrs J Dyer Year 10
Miss C Best  Year 11


Teaching Staff

Mrs H Adamson English
Mrs S Aldersley History / HoY
Mrs V Allen MFL (Deputy HoD)
Miss J Andrew Geography (Deputy HoD)
Mr S Atkinson-Sporle History (HoD)
Mrs A Ayres Assistant Principal
Mr J Bean English
Ms N Bennett Sociology/Psychology (HoD)
Mrs E Berryman Business Studies
Mrs K Blandin-Neaves MFL (HoD)
Mrs  T Brookshaw English
Mrs C Butler History (Deputy HoD)
Mrs A Byrne SENDCo
Mr J Carwardine PE / HoY
Mr M Chiswell English
Ms E Clapham Deputy Principal
Mrs J Clegg Maths
Miss L Cole Technology
Mrs S Crawford Deputy Principal
Mrs E Crosley RS / Head of Y7
Mr M Cusack PE (HoD)
Dr K Dauteuille History
Mrs C Davies Geography                               
Ms C De Pablo López MFL
Mrs L Douglas  Maths
Mrs T Earnshaw MFL
Mrs T Edwards ICT and Computing
Mrs C Farmer History 
Miss L Finnie Social Science
Miss A Foster Maths
Mrs S Greenway Science
Mrs A Greet MFL/Travel & Tourism
Mrs S Hammond English
Ms E Hallam Intervention 
Ms K Horvath-Nimmo Science (Deputy HoD)
Ms E Hunt Music
Mr A Irvine ICT and Computing (HoD)
Mr S Jones Drama (Head of Creative Performing Arts)
Mr M Kelly Geography (HoD)
Mrs J Klinger-Moore MFL
Mr C Lethardy Science
Miss E Locke Drama
Mr D Lovell Science
Miss K Marment PE (Deputy HoD)
Mrs J Mason Principal
Ms L McCarthy Science
Miss S Metters Maths
Mr M Miller English (HoD)
Mr S Molyneux Maths
Mrs A Moore Science
Miss K Norman English
Mr R O’Hara Music
Ms S Oram English
Dr A Parker Science
Mrs E Pearce Maths (HoD)
Miss S Petrescu Maths
Mrs C Pomfret Deputy Principal
Mrs S Prifti PE / HoY
Miss E Pring Technology
Mrs S Pullyblank PE
Mr R Ramage Science (HoD)
Mr K Randall Maths
Mr M Rayner Assistant Principal
Mr M Reynolds Science
Miss R Roberts Art
Miss C Rutley Science
Mrs L Shelley RS (HoD)
Mrs A Smith Maths
Mr A Smith Business Studies (HoD)
Mrs S Smith ICT
Miss L Speaight History
Mrs G Stewart Science                                      
Mr K Stone Assistant Principal – Director of Post 16
Miss H Sum English (Deputy HoD)
Mrs L Tetley English
Ms C Wakeham Art (Curriculum Lead)
Miss L Warner Science
Miss S Waters Geography
Mr N Wellington Maths
Mr J Wills Technology (Deputy HoD)
Mrs K Wooding Technology/Hospitality & Catering (HoD)

Support Staff

Mrs A Anderson Catering Assistant
Miss S Arrowsmith LSA
Mrs C Ashton LSA
Mrs T Bartlett PE Admin Support
Mrs E Belton LSA
Miss C Best  PSM
Mr G Beveridge Cleaner
Ms K Blakemore LSA
Mrs V Blakey Principal’s PA/Cover Manager
Mrs C Bostick Catering Manager
Mrs  L Brooks Personnel Assistant & HR Administrator
Mrs R Burston Data Manager
Mrs V Castle Receptionist
Ms S Chan Catering Assistant
Mrs C Chard First Aider
Mrs M Chilvers Catering Assistant
Miss S Clegg LSA Apprentice
Mr L Cochrane H&S Manager, Leadership Behavioural Support Officer, CCF SSI (School Staff Instructor)
Miss H Cocker Cleaner
Mrs S Connelly LSA
Mr P Cory Premises Manager
Mrs S Cowling PSM
Mrs L Curtis Post 16 Pastoral Leader
Miss L Dannan Cleaner
Miss  C Davis Cover Supervisor
Mr C Daw Cleaner
Mr C Daw Cleaner
Mrs J Dyer PSM
Mr  P Dyer Community Sports & Enrichment Manager 
Miss C Edwards LSA
Mr M Francis Caretaker
Mr S Froggatt IT Technician
Mrs J Garner Cleaner
Miss K Glasspoole PSM
Miss K Goodman LSA
Miss L Gordon Cover Supervisor
Mrs N Gowing Deputy SENCo                                               
Miss C Grant Resources Assistant
Mrs L Graves Catering Assistant
Mrs J Gray Post 16 Administrator
Mrs C Hamblin Senior Finance Officer
Mrs J Harding  LSA
Miss K Hewson SEN Admin
Mr I Hibbert DT Technician
Miss C Hines Science Technician
Miss T Hingston SIMS Assistant
Mr  P Insley Caretaker
Mr B Irving Art Technician
Miss P James Food Technology Technician
Miss C Johnstone LSA
Miss M Keen PSM
Ms H Kelly  LSA
Mr M Kent Network Manager
Ms D Kirk Behaviour Support Coordinator 
Mrs C King Operations Manager
Mrs M King LSA
Mrs J Lloyd-Froud Reset Manager 
Mrs B Longville LSA
Mrs G Lycett Caretaker & Cleaning Supervisor 
Mr D Lynas Senior IT Technician
Miss  A May Cleaner 
Mr C Maw Deputy Exams Officer
Miss R Miller Careers Support Manager
Miss C Middlemoor Cleaner
Mrs R Mockett Resources Assistant
Mrs  S Nesbitt LSA
Mr D Opie LSA
Mrs  K Packer Senior Exams Officer
Mrs G Parker Creative and Performing Arts Administration Support Assistant
Mrs R Pereira Cleaner
Mrs H Perring LSA
Miss K Putt Finance Officer
Ms S Roberts Attendance Assistant
Mrs L Skidmore Senior Science Technician
Mr C Skingle Resources Manager 
Miss S Snow Cleaner
Mrs S Sparks Receptionist
Miss E Stitson Cleaner
Mr M Thorne Caretaker
Mr  C Toms LSA
Mrs S Tonguc LSA
Miss L Treleaven  LSA Apprentice 
Mr C Trevithick Cover Supervisor
Miss C Tune LSA Apprentice
Miss N Warren Cleaner 
Mrs B Webb Cleaner
Mrs K Weeks Cleaner
Mrs C Wolf Librarian
Mrs H Wraight LSA