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Hele's School

Hele's School

Silver DoFE practice walk

Silver DoFE practice walk

By Lewis Talmage

16th March 2024: A realistic Silver DoFE practice walk

Today, after already completing the bronze DofE, my group of friends and I hiked across the Moors to complete our Silver DoFE practice expedition. We met in the South Brent car park and began our walk at 9:40am. The walk was especially challenging today as the weather was really not in our favour. It was hammering down with rain most of the way and not that long into it, our clothes were drenched; we were freezing cold. We were all desperate to go home.

Despite the weather, we all continued to keep our spirits high and make the most of our first adventure contributing to our Silver DoFE award. We sang many songs, ate loads of delicious snacks, took in the beautiful scenery that we were surrounded by, and had an incredible time enjoying what we had.

The walk itself consisted of being able to navigate your own route using a map and compass, making sure you have enough energy to successfully reach the finish line by eating the correct food choices, wearing the most suitable clothing (even if you don’t look the best), and a good attitude to maintain good vibes throughout. 5.5 hours later, we made it back to the car park after hiking the circuit of 9.8 miles.

Although the walk may be a strong challenge, with many risks to face along the way, it is one hundred percent worth it when you realise how many memories get created with your closest friends that you will be able to look back on for life. The DoFE award can also be shown on your CV to future employers to assist you in landing your dream job in the many years to come.


Next up, our Silver DoFE practice camp!