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Hele's School

Science Careers Fair

Science Careers Fair

By Darya Ghorbannia

Are you keen on following a scientific pathway in life? Are you an aspiring engineer, marine biologist or anything other career that is science dominated? Or are you just mesmerised by the phenomenon of science? If so, this article covering Hele’s Sixth Form Science Career’s Fair is the perfect insight for lower school students eager to learn more about the realities of this industry! Read on to hear the first-hand experiences from a civil engineer, hydrographic surveyor and one of Hele’s very own alumni (Sarah) who works in the laboratory for South West Waters!

Meet Rachel Hayden:

  • Job – Civil Engineer for WSG
  • A-levels – Maths, Physics and Music
  • Studied – Civil Engineering at the University of Bath

Rachel currently works as a civil engineer for Devonport Dock Yard and is doing projects with high-speed rail! However, this is a controversial project. Many state that it will improve transport times and create jobs therefore boosting the economy’s income. Whereas critics of these projects argue that it damages wildlife, the natural habitats of ecosystems and that the price is too costly! Yet Rachel’s job isn’t to deal with these aspects but to primarily design, maintain and build infrastructure! Alongside these points, she has contributed to the opening of a hospital in Wales which now helps 7,000 people! Her input to her job was even more detrimental to society as it opened one year early due to the outbreak of Covid 19. Furthermore, Rachel recommends working abroad as it opens horizons! She had some contribution to the works with the Sydney Opera House when she did work experience in Australia with the University of Bath.


Meet Jamie Churchman:

  • Job: Health Physicist, Babcock
  • A-levels: Biology, Geography and Art
  • Studied: Marine Biology at Portsmouth University

At Jamie’s current position in Babcock, he is involved in making sure that all employees are safe and are following the company’s rules and regulations – particularly when amongst nuclear energy and radiation. To ensure his colleagues’ safety, he uses a lot of physics! One thing that Jamie states is that: “A submarine is the most complicated device made by humans. More so than any spacecraft”. Did you know that the energy used to fuel a submarine is found when an isotope of an element decays and releases radiation (such as alpha, beta and gamma)? This then heats the water, creates steam and then powers the turbine thus generating an operating submarine! Going back to Babcock the company specifically, a huge recruitment strategy for them is the emphasis on their graduate programme! This is due to their ability of recruiting over a vast area (principally in Plymouth)! In total, they have created approximately 20,000 jobs in their company!


Meet Paul Aldersley:

  • Job: Fibre Optic Cable Engineer
  • A-levels: Geography, Maths, Physics and Computer Science
  • Degree: Physics

Fibre optic engineering is the process of designing, installing and maintaining the fibre optic cables that support phone and internet communication.  Paul said that: “Oil and Gas is nothing nowadays”. Previously, he has supported the installation of natural gas in Israel and has detected a German bomber in the Baltic Sea! He studies and evaluates anything environmentally, or historically significant to see if pipelines can be built underwater in that location. However, the job requires twelve-hour shifts, seven days a week out at sea, but only for half the year. He predicts that after two to three years of earning in this career, the pay is around £60,000 a year!


Meet Sarah Chard:

  • Job: Laboratory Technicians
  • A-levels: Chemistry, Maths and Drama
  • AS: Biology
  • Degree: Forensic Science

Her job title is to test for nutrients, fluoride and metals in water!  She also works with her team to make sure that all the instruments are working efficiently. Moreover, she tests all points of water treatment processes. Did you know that the yellow tinge in water is caused by algae breakdown? For example, after Glastonbury there is a massive increase in algae in the water!


Meet Rinkhal Vadher:

  • Job: Process Engineer
  • A-levels: Did in India
  • Studied: Exeter University

A Process Engineer develops and implements processes to improve efficiency and productivity in various industries. River (after studying at Exeter University) went to Switzerland and got a pilot degree before placing her job. In a few weeks she will be going to America on a work assignment.  


It was a pleasure to hear all of their varied stories and backgrounds, and how they found their chosen career paths. It was truly inspirational!