Important Letter to Parents and Carers
Change to end of term arrangements
Good morning,
Please find an important and urgent communication from the CEO of the Westcountry Schools Trust, which is being sent to all 22 WeST schools today. This letter is in response to government advice published late yesterday afternoon, and confirms the last teaching day of this term for all WeST schools as Thursday 17th December, with the usual finish to the day (for Hele’s students, this means a 3pm finish for Years 7, 8, 10 and 13, and a 3.20pm for Years 9, 11 and 12). Friday 18th will be a remote staff training day.
I recognise that this may cause some issues for parents and carers who will need to make childcare arrangements for Friday 18th now given that the school site will be closed to all staff and children, but I’m afraid we have had no control over the Government’s timing of such an announcement, or indeed any early knowledge of its intention to advise this change.
Your support and understanding in this matter is appreciated.
Best wishes,
Justine Mason
Hele’s School, Seymour Road,
Plympton, Plymouth
01752 337193