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Hele's School

Hele's School

March Guidance for Parents and Carers

Good afternoon,

Please find attached an extensive guide to remind families of the routines and expectations from March 8th onwards. A copy will also be posted on the School website.

I’m hoping this booklet will cover any queries you may have, but please don’t hesitate to contact School if you are unsure of anything or if you feel your child would benefit from extra support during the transition phase.

May I also take this opportunity to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all those fantastic Year 11s who attended their first Lateral Flow Test appointment today; we got through the whole year group in two shifts and the testing team commented on the exemplary conduct of our young people – they were a real credit to one and all!

With very best wishes,

Justine Mason


Hele’s School, Seymour Road,

Plympton, Plymouth


01752 337193