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Hele's School

Hele's School

British Science Week

On Monday afternoon, the Hele’s Science Department hosted a Science careers event in the Post-16 building for 58 Year 12 Science and Technology students. We had 12 STEM ambassadors from a wide range of backgrounds joining us for a speed-dating style event. The ambassadors were from Ocean Conservation Trust, South West Water, Royal Engineers, Veterinary, Health Physics and Plymouth University researchers, among others. Students met each ambassador to find out about their work and career journey and gained lots of advice for their future plans. The atmosphere was super positive and friendly, with a real excitement and buzz in the room. The ambassadors were very generous with their time and were fabulous at answering student questions, giving guidance on everything from work experience and university choices, to the range of subjects within different STEM organisations: “it’s not just scientists – we need sociologists and linguists too”.  Afterwards one student said, “It was really helpful. It motivated me to explore different career options”. Another said, “It opened me up to the idea of veterinary as a career. It was a great experience!”.