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Hele's School

Hele's School

Year 9 Sculptor Visit

Year 9 students get the opportunity to work with local sculptor to create their own work of art!

Staff and students were really excited about their latest visitor to the school.  James Lake, a Sculptor based in Exeter spent the day working with Year 9 Art students.

James works with cardboard and has done for the last 20 years, he believes that there are so many options with cardboard, strong, versatile and gives him so many options for his work.  James is known and respected for manipulating cardboard to a form that is way beyond its original use.

James has had many commissions across the country including creating a Butler at the Gotham Hotel in Manchester and Hands at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, but today he was helping students to create three dimensional heads totally from cardboard, a workshop that both staff and students had been looking forward to for some months.