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Hele's School

Hele's School

Student Services

Housed in their own block at the side of the school, Student Services is often the first port of call for students and parents/carers alike. This is where our dedicated pastoral services work to support students in a number of ways. Our Pastoral Support Managers are available to offer support and advice, and they work closely with the Heads of year. Our attendance office is also housed within this facility so that any issues around attendance can be swiftly dealt with by our pastoral team.

 We also link in with many outside agencies including Young Devon who provide our school counselling offer, CAMHS, SHARP and may others. If you think our team may be able to offer additional support, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s head of year.

Heads of Year

Mrs E Crosley Head of Year 7
Mrs S Prifti Head of Year 8
Mrs G Stewart Head of Year 9
Mr J Carwardine Head of Year 10
Mrs S Aldersley Head of Year 11


Pastoral Support Managers

Miss M Keen Year 7
Mrs S Cowling Year 8
Mrs G Coath Year 9
Mrs H Williams Year 10
Miss K Glasspoole Year 11