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Hele's School

Hele's School

Key Dates

Year 12 Key Dates 23/24

Thursday 14th September 6-7pm Y12 Parents’ Information Evening – information evening for parents of A Level students in Year 12 in The Studio.
Thursday 12th October 4-7pm Tutor Parents Evening
Thursday 9th November 4-7pm Year 12/13 Subject Parents’ Evening
Tuesday 14th November Learn2Live Roadshow at Plymouth Guildhall for all Year 12 students
Thursday 16th November Learning Overview 1 issued
Thursday 16th January 4-7pm Careers Fair
Thursday 22nd February Learning Overview 2 issued

Tuesday 12th or Wednesday 13th March

 (exact date to be confirmed)

UCAS Discovery Exhibition at Exeter Westpoint Arena, for potential university applicants.
Wednesday 19th June

Parents’ Information Evening on UCAS and Student Finance

How and when are applications to University made? How is financial support allocated and what needs to be repaid?

Friday 21st June Applying to University – visit to Plymouth University
Monday 24th June – Friday 5th July Year 12 Internal Examinations
Thursday 11th July Learning Overview 3 issued
Monday 15th July – Friday 19th July Work Experience Week
Friday 19th July Last day of the school year
Thursday 15th August GCE (AS) Results Day

Year 13 Key Dates 23/24

Friday 20th October

Deadline for completion of UCAS Personal Statement

Thursday 9th November 4-7pm

Year 12/13 Subject Parents’ Evening 

Monday 13th November – Friday 24th November

Y13 Internal Examinations

Tuesday 12th December

Learning Overview 1 issued

Tuesday 16th January


Careers Fair

Tuesday 20st February –  Friday 1st March

Year 13 Internal Examinations 

Tuesday 19th March

Learning Overview 2 issued   

Monday 13th May

Start of A Level written examinations

Friday 24th May

Year 13 Leavers’ Celebration Event

Thursday 15th August

GCE A Level Results Day.  It is important that students are around on Results Day. Please avoid taking holidays over this date.