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Hele's School

Hele's School

Work Experience - Students

**Students have been asked to upload their work experience placement details to Unifrog by 31st January 2024**

2024 Work Experience: 15th – 19th July 2024

Work experience is a valuable opportunity for students to sample the world of work and to gain an insight into life outside the classroom. It is such a valuable opportunity and our students have always expressed how useful and rewarding they have found it. The experience focuses the mind and prepares young people for the career choices they make in Year 11.

In order to make the process a valuable learning experience in which students can gain important employability skills, we ask all students to complete an MS Form. Students are encouraged to find their placement independently, although Mrs Yeomans, Careers Support Manager, is always happy to advise students on how to find their placements. This year’s deadline for completion of the form is Monday, 20th November 2023.

All placements must have the appropriate insurances in place: Employer’s Liability Insurance and Public Liability Insurance and pre-placement health & safety checks will be carried out before approval. When students have secured their placements, upload the details to Unifrog. Resources to help students do this are available at the bottom of the page. All placements need to be uploaded to Unifrog by Wednesday 31st January 2024