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Hele's School

Hele's School

Information for Parents

The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) has been successfully run in schools for many years and has benefited thousands of cadets with key life skills such as confidence, self discipline and resourcefulness.

Each school CCF has a Contingent Commander. At Hele’s School our Contingent Commander is Mr K. Randall and he is an experienced CCF Officer. They are responsible for the safe running and administration of the contingent, which is made up of Army, Navy and RAF sections. The other CCF Officers are teachers or staff from the school.

Alongside the Contingent Commander in every school is the Staff School Instructor (SSI). He or she will usually have a military background or experience with a military youth organisation such as the Army Cadet Force, bringing with them a great deal of experience and knowledge of military procedure and etiquette enabling the cadets to get a true flavour of military life.

Every section is linked to a service parent establishment, giving the cadets plenty of opportunity to visit a military base and in many cases use the facilities that the establishment offers. Typically this could be using assault courses, navigation trainers, and simulators of every flavour.

Cadets can join from Year 9 onwards but the starting year group varies from school to school. The cadets chose which service they want to join and will be given, and expected to wear, the uniform of this service. From the very outset the cadet will have the opportunity to try many different activities, and attain qualifications in many. The cadets are also encouraged to obtain a higher level or promotion during their time with the CCF and will be rewarded with more responsibility and input into their sections activities.

Each year the cadets will have the opportunity to attend one of several centrally controlled camps, often held at MOD establishments with many offering National Governing Body certificates. These camps offer the cadets the chance to experience life on a military base, but alongside their peers and teachers. The MOD is very conscious of its role as activity provider and undertakes to ensure every session that a cadet is involved in adheres to the strict regulations laid out in its own safety management system. This is often above national governing level set by the sports own guidelines, and will ensure a safe environment for your cadet.