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Hele's School

Hele's School

Hele's School A great place to learn. A great place to grow.

Fourth Edition of HFH

Article Title Summary Author
Editor’s Letter and Welcome Our Editor in Chief, Alice Shelley, outlines what Hear from Hele’s is all about. Alice Shelley
Mary’s Antagonist The story of our first female monarch, Lady Jane Grey and the lessons her short reign can teach us. Alice Shelley
Mothecombe Beach
As summer approaches, Emma gives us all the details on one of the loveliest beaches in Devon. Alice Shelley
Six weeks of sport
A round up of the sporting action from the last six weeks from our very own sportswriter – Josh Dyke. Josh Dyke
Travel Currencies Isla tells us all we need to know about to make the most of our summer spending money. Isla Bagshaw


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