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Hele's School

Hele's School

Hele's School A great place to learn. A great place to grow.

Weekly SEND Surgery

The SEND surgery gives parents an opportunity to make a 15-minute Microsoft TEAMS or phone appointment with a member of the SEND team. The SEND Surgery will not replace TAM/MASP/EHCP reviews but will simply provide you with an additional opportunity throughout the academic year to speak with the SEND Team rather than solely rely on calling into the school or contact via email.
It is essential to keep the lines of communication open and readily available for parents, and it is anticipated that the SEND Surgery alongside Tutor parent’s evenings and Subject parent’s evenings will further add to the quality of SEND support for both parents and students alike.
The SEND Surgery will take place every Thursday from 2pm to 3pm. You can book into the weekly SEND surgery by emailing Please share the name of your child, discussion points and select your preferred appointment time (2pm, 2.15pm, 2.30pm or 2.45pm).
Forms will be processed on a Friday prior to each weekly surgery, and you will be emailed a Microsoft TEAMS invite for your appointment.